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Loveday Funck
Nov 23, 20212 min read
Believe in the Possibility of You
I dreamt last night that I needed to go back to school, starting with an Alice in Wonderland Theater Class. Of course, from my initial...
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Loveday Funck
Dec 1, 20202 min read
The Gratitude Attitude
I spent almost two years working on my Deck of the New Orleans Tarot Cats. I blogged weekly as I finished a card and shared aspects of my...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 28, 20201 min read
All Good Things Must Come to an End
It's been a long and rewarding journey. 78 weeks. 78 cards. Like the Fool, I started with nothing and have spiraled up and up, learning...
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Loveday Funck
Aug 25, 20203 min read
Can't We All Be Heroes?
The subject of heroes and heroism has been appearing a lot in my dreams as well as even in my YouTube feed. (While I was drinking my...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 21, 20202 min read
How Do You Celebrate?
Or maybe I should be taking the approach as to why you celebrate? I find it interesting that as a society we celebrate things like...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 14, 20202 min read
The Fresh Promise of a New Day
Something must end so that something new can begin. Life is a cycle; a series of circles, spiraling in on themselves and then outward...
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Loveday Funck
May 12, 20202 min read
Claim your Space
It's been a long few weeks, trying to adjust to self isolation and social distancing. I've been emotionally up and down. The anxiety...
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Loveday Funck
Mar 30, 20202 min read
Feeling Trapped
Having been through Hurricane Katrina, I remember the tense feeling of waiting. We'd spent frantic hours making certain we had enough...
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Loveday Funck
Mar 10, 20202 min read
Waiting is Hard
You put in the time and the work. You are so ready for the harvest. You can see the fruit ripening on the vine. I mean, sure, it's still...
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Loveday Funck
Feb 18, 20201 min read
Help Those in Need
Here in Louisiana, we are only a week away from the end of the Carnival season (Mardi Gras falls on the 25th of February this year). For...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 29, 20191 min read
Moving On, Moving Forward
Everything that could be moved, has been moved. Everything is still a mess, loads of things unsorted and not put away, but I believe...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 1, 20192 min read
Finding a Sense of Belonging
Where do you go when your spirit is broken? When your heart hurts? When you need to find solace before you are ready to go forth and...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 24, 20191 min read
Let It Go
Stop holding on so tightly. You cannot control every little thing. The tighter and more desperate the grasp, the more control begins to...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 3, 20191 min read
Better Together, Stronger Together
The Three of Cups tells us about the power of Tribe. Life can be better and so much easier when you have support; when you have friends...
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Loveday Funck
Aug 6, 20192 min read
If You Don't Know Me By Now
In a surreal moment, an independent fashion artist sent me a direct message on Instagram, offering me a free item if I would agree to...
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Loveday Funck
Feb 5, 20192 min read
Creating Your Own Rules
A new week. A new lesson. I dreamt that I was in charge of the entire country. I had to make all the decisions. Everyone, absolutely...
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