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The World tarot card represents completion, wholeness, and accomplishment. In a reading, it can indicate a time of success, completion of goals, and a sense of fulfillment.


In a New Orleans and Mardi Gras-themed reading, the World card can take on additional meanings. It can represent the cultural richness and diversity of the city, as well as the successful completion of the Mardi Gras season. The card can also represent the unity and inclusivity of the Mardi Gras celebration, where people from all backgrounds come together to celebrate.


Overall, the World card in a New Orleans and Mardi Gras reading can signify a time of completion, wholeness and accomplishment. It encourages you to embrace the cultural richness and diversity of the city, and to come together with others to celebrate the successful completion of the Mardi Gras season. It also represents the sense of fulfillment and unity that comes from the successful completion of a task or goal.

The World Card of the Mardi Gras Mystical Tarot

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