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The Hermit tarot card is a symbol of introspection, inner guidance, and contemplation. In the context of a New Orleans Mardi Gras celebration, this card takes on an added layer of meaning.


The image on the Hermit card depicts an old woman holding a crystal staff, representing the search for inner wisdom and the guidance of one's inner light. In a Mardi Gras setting, the old woman becomes a Mardi Gras reveler, and the staff becomes the inner voice that guides them through the celebration. The reveler represents the need for introspection and contemplation amidst the chaos and noise of the Mardi Gras celebration.


The Hermit card in the traditional tarot deck represents the idea of turning inward for guidance and wisdom, and this can be applied in the context of Mardi Gras as well. The celebration can be a time of excess, noise and distraction, the Hermit card reminds us to take a step back and listen to our inner voice, to reflect on what is truly important, to be in the present moment, and to make sure we are not getting carried away by the overwhelming energy around us.


The Hermit card also represents the importance of taking time for oneself, even amidst the celebration. It is a reminder that it's okay to step away from the crowd and take a moment for reflection and contemplation, to recharge and reconnect with oneself.


Overall, the Hermit card in the context of a Mardi Gras celebration represents the importance of introspection, inner guidance, and contemplation amidst the chaos and noise of the celebration. It is a reminder to listen to our inner voice, to take time for ourselves, and to stay grounded in the present moment.

The Hermit Card of the Mardi Gras Mystical Tarot

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