What was the last thing that you did just for you? What act of self care have you performed in the last week or even the last month? Or has it been even longer than that?

In the Victorian language of flowers, the Morning Glory means, "Affection." I spend a lot of time on my blog and in my videos talking about the importance of self love, but I had to pause for a moment and try to remember when was the last time that I did something for me?
I suppose you could argue that I spend time freshening my hair color every few weeks and maintaining my nails (short though as setting up an art booth just wrecks havoc on anything longer). Those are acts of self care.
I ordered some new winter shirts as the last time I did that was two or three years ago. I definitely needed something fresher.
As I approach the 2000 mark on my subscriber list for YouTube, I did treat myself to an expensive art book about Hilma Af Klimt since I would love to do a video about her.
It could be argued that all of these are acts of self love and self care although they could also be considered basic grooming and as to the book treat, it is a work related item. Still, I admit I don't know where Loveday the artist ends and where Loveday the person begins so that's a harder call.
What have I done for just me? What have you done for just you?
Have you gone to your favorite places recently? (Covid permitting). Have you bought lunch at your favorite restaurant? (I haven't treated myself to sushi in months and months). Have you taken yourself out on a self care date? (no children, no sweetie, not even your dog)
I haven't been on a self care date since the spring. To be fair, my favorite places are cemeteries and Louisiana is just too hot for cemetery adventure in the summer. Fortunately, as we move deeper into October, that should be changing soon. Again, though, I spend the adventure taking insane amounts of photographs because Loveday the person can't really separate herself from Loveday the artist.
So, let's work this out together. Buy something for you - not a grooming item, or a piece of replacement clothing or something you need for work. Something just for you.
Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant. Not the place your kids want to go or the place your sweetie loves. YOUR favorite restaurant.
Finally, go to your favorite place by yourself (again, no children, no sweetie, not even your beloved puggle gets to go). Just you.
Really spend some time with just you. Just taking care of you.
Self love and self care because you deserve all the good things.
While we're on the subject, New Orleans, you deserve some good things just for you. Not for the tourists. Not for the powers that be. For you: the people that live there and the people that love New Orleans from the bottoms of their hearts.
