I work a lot with fairy tale imagery. I work a lot with dream imagery, but sometimes I just want to make art about things I love.
I've no discernable musical ability. My sense of rhythm is highly questionable, but I've fallen in love with the djembe.
Have you ever attended a drum circle? Felt the waves of amazing energy just flowing through you?
Last April, I attended a free spirited festival, Drums in the Swamp, at Gryphon's Nest Campground in Robert, LA. It was my first real exposure to the full impact of an all night drum circle. The power of the drum rhythms. The contagious energy of the dancers around the heat of an enormous fire. All encompassing. Fully transformative.
When you walk away in the morning, the peace comes with you.
I returned to the campground in October for "Reunion of the Spirits" and again this spring for another "Drums in the Swamp".
By the end of the week in April, I knew I didn't want to go another six months without these people and without the magic of those drums.
So we started the Red Stick Drum Circle. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month (6:30 to 8:30) at the wonderfully accommodating Universalist Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge on Goodwood Avenue. A judgement free zone. Everyone is welcome.