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Loveday Funck
Dec 6, 20212 min read
Is Frida Kahlo a Great Artist?
What makes an artist great? I was scrolling through google recently an article title leaped out at me: "Why Frida Kahlo Still Isn’t a...
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Loveday Funck
Nov 29, 20212 min read
Feel the Energy Of Louis Wain
As a lover of Victorian ephemera and cats, I discovered Louis Wain many years ago. At that time, information on his life was hard to...
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Loveday Funck
Nov 23, 20212 min read
Believe in the Possibility of You
I dreamt last night that I needed to go back to school, starting with an Alice in Wonderland Theater Class. Of course, from my initial...
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Loveday Funck
Nov 16, 20213 min read
How to Pick a GOOD ART Event from a BAD ART Event
The emphasis here is on the event being good or bad, not on the art. As the veteran of a hundred odd art events, I've learned a bit about...
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Loveday Funck
Nov 2, 20212 min read
You Deserve to be Happy
"Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." Maybe, but probably not. From our earliest childhood, society asks...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 26, 20212 min read
Epiphanies in Self Love
Most artists love their studios. Our art supplies live there. Our finished work lives there. Our work in progress lives there, but I...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 19, 20213 min read
New Orleans without the Art and the Music
What would a New Orleans look like if it were inhabited by nothing but responsible adults? What if we made all the dreamers leave? What...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 12, 20212 min read
Self Love and Self Care
What was the last thing that you did just for you? What act of self care have you performed in the last week or even the last month? Or...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 5, 20212 min read
The Butterfly Effect of Frida Kahlo
A butterfly flapping its wings, according to Chaos Theory, can create a devastating tornado in a few weeks time. Frida Kahlo boarding a...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 28, 20213 min read
When Did You Become a Misfit?
On Saturday, I set up at the New Orleans Art Market in Marsalis Harmony Park (formerly Palmer Park) at the corner of Claiborne and...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 14, 20212 min read
New Orleans Fairy Tale: Surviving the Storm
It's been a rough couple of years: the fluctuating number of Covid cases determining whether I'd be able to work from one month to...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 7, 20212 min read
Why New Orleans?
On the evening of September 29th, Hurricane Ida swept through southern Louisiana, knocking power and knocking over trees; destroying...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 22, 20203 min read
What is the Value of Art?
We went down to the French Quarter of New Orleans last Friday to walk around and explore the galleries. I hadn't been down to the Quarter...
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Loveday Funck
Mar 3, 20201 min read
Distracted by Shiny Things
The Seven cards are all about waiting. Maybe we know what we want. Maybe we don't, but we know that we want something. We know there is...
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Loveday Funck
Feb 11, 20202 min read
The Journey is the Destination
Moving forward. Moving on. Leave your old insecurities and emotional baggage behind you. The future will be better. I love the idea of a...
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Loveday Funck
Jan 7, 20201 min read
A New Year, a New Blog Post at long last
The madness of the holiday season has passed and the calm of a new year has begun. I am enjoying some downtime and am back to working on...
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Loveday Funck
Jun 11, 20192 min read
Evolution and Transformation
The time has come for the Fool to transform. He's learned much on his journey. He is ready to shed the weight of his past and became...
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Loveday Funck
Apr 23, 20192 min read
Balance, Middle Way, Moderation
As I've gone through the Major Arcana, I am constantly reminded on how often the cards emphasis the importance of balance. The...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 18, 20182 min read
In Which I Do that Which I Said I Wouldn't
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the feeling of fragmentation and the creative life. My main artistic pursuit is surrealistic photo...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 31, 20172 min read
Why I Started Creating Art and Maybe You Could too
I've been working as a professional, self-supporting artist for almost four years. Am I suggesting that you should do the same? Not...
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