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Loveday Funck
Apr 25, 20225 min read
The Iris Blooms
Over the weekend, I participated in my first Maypole Dance. I think only half of it may have been woven properly. It was frantic and...
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Loveday Funck
Mar 21, 20222 min read
Making my own Magic
My Kickstarter campaign for my Bloom Where You're Planted Oracle Deck is scheduled to go live on May 3rd! I believe that we can create...
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Loveday Funck
Mar 7, 20223 min read
Follow the Wind
As the sky gently shifted from darkness to light, I began to set up at a local market. The weather was warm but a gentle breeze blew...
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Loveday Funck
Feb 28, 20223 min read
Is it Time to Create our Own Stories?
(25% of all sales of my Bloom Where You're Planted artwork for the next month will go directly to the Voices of Children Foundation in...
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Loveday Funck
Nov 16, 20213 min read
How to Pick a GOOD ART Event from a BAD ART Event
The emphasis here is on the event being good or bad, not on the art. As the veteran of a hundred odd art events, I've learned a bit about...
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Loveday Funck
Oct 5, 20212 min read
The Butterfly Effect of Frida Kahlo
A butterfly flapping its wings, according to Chaos Theory, can create a devastating tornado in a few weeks time. Frida Kahlo boarding a...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 28, 20213 min read
When Did You Become a Misfit?
On Saturday, I set up at the New Orleans Art Market in Marsalis Harmony Park (formerly Palmer Park) at the corner of Claiborne and...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 21, 20211 min read
Rolling on the Mighty Mississippi River
The Mississippi River is the second largest river in the United States, conjoined to the largest, the Missouri. The Mississippi nourishes...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 14, 20212 min read
New Orleans Fairy Tale: Surviving the Storm
It's been a rough couple of years: the fluctuating number of Covid cases determining whether I'd be able to work from one month to...
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Loveday Funck
Sep 7, 20212 min read
Why New Orleans?
On the evening of September 29th, Hurricane Ida swept through southern Louisiana, knocking power and knocking over trees; destroying...
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Loveday Funck
Aug 17, 20213 min read
The Whims of Social Media
Every time I think that I'm finally understanding or getting the hang of the latest social media craze, something newer, something...
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Loveday Funck
Aug 10, 20212 min read
Is this the New Normal?
As 2021 began, I was full of cautious optimism. As soon as I could, I received both of my vaccines and began to reengage with people that...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 27, 20214 min read
The Tarot and the Gatekeepers
Wherever I seem to be on social media lately, I keep being confronted with the Gatekeepers, or more accurately: the grumps, the grouches,...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 20, 20213 min read
The Sweetest Love of All
As Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe lay dying in his final days, he said, "“No one has ever properly understood me, I have never fully...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 13, 20212 min read
Between and Betwixt
When it came time to sit down and write this blog post, I was feeling more than a little blocked. What message have I received? What...
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Loveday Funck
Jul 6, 20211 min read
No Piece of Art is every Finished, Merely Abandoned
I've reached the tipping point of the Oracle deck that I've been working on. I knew this is the perfect time to take a honest look at...
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Loveday Funck
Jun 28, 20212 min read
The Power of Story: Where Do You Belong
We've passed the tipping point. The deck is well on its way. I will be taking the next week or two to re-work a few of these that I'm not...
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Loveday Funck
Jun 21, 20212 min read
Celebration! I see you and acknowledge you!
I understand completely how important is to be seen, to really be seen. I spent years feeling invisible, even reinforcing that emotion by...
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Loveday Funck
Jun 14, 20217 min read
A Big Psychic NO THANK YOU from me
I actually wrote out this week's blog post on Sunday morning, pleased with myself that I was ahead of schedule and that I was bringing...
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Loveday Funck
Jun 8, 20214 min read
Give Yourself the Gift of True Friendship
True friends have your back. They support you and help you when you are struggling. They nurture your dreams and give you the...
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